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About the Receptionist behind the tales.....

Hi! And welcome to the Tales of a Veterinary Receptionist with Jessie Kate!


After leaving school, I was accepted into Veterinary Science.  However, situations at the time made me determine that I much preferred to learn about writing, particularly Journalism. Several years and tears later, I graduated with my degree and was excited to step into the writing world. 


However, due to work situations at the time, my potential step into the journalism world at the time did not eventuate. Money constraints, trying to find reliable housing, and other costs made the job search come down to pretty much anything I could do to make money (legally I will add!)


As fate would have it, I applied for a job as a receptionist at a vet clinic. Much to my surprise, I received a call for an interview. I gathered myself up, put on a nice outfit and toddled on down to present myself for the job. I was placed in a horse treatment room across the table from the General Manager and Practice Manager at the time. What seemed like a daunting task became a very casual, yet informative conversation. 


I walked away that day, not 100% confident that I had nailed it. Several days later, I received a call that would change the course of my life as I knew it! As they say, the rest is history. I have now been in the job for almost two years and, since this time, I have worked within an incredibly supportive team and organisation that has allowed me to grow and make relationships with people that will be long lasting in the workplace as well as the clients in front of the counter. Don't get me wrong, there are highs and lows and the only thing that is certain is that they will never me in equal proportions.


In saying this, the experiences I have had, the stories I have heard and had shared with me have inspired me to share them with anyone who is willing to listen (or read.) I look forward to presenting these stories to you in, hopefully, I positive and creative light!

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